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Staying Positive

So you've got your diagnosis? What now? At first it may seem like the end of the world, but believe me it does get better. How? Simply taking effective medication helps enormously, consider the fact you've been having symptoms for a while and these have been untreated. I was diagnosed six years ago, had to retire from work aged 48,stop driving, and life at the time seemed bleak to say the least. Six years on and i'm doing voluntary work, paid part time work, i'm back driving and life is fun once more.

What's the secret? Firstly, medication will stabalise and can actually improve your symptons drastically.

Secondly, a positive mental attitude is vital. Excercise is very important, even if it means starting off from your armchair. Boxercise, sitting in your chair and extending your arm as if throwing a punch is a good way to start. Yoga is very good for helping with stiff muscles, and a great way to relax.

Just start off with something easy and slowly progress from there. Don't shy away from the world, go out and meet it head on. We only get one shot at life, don't let anything stop you from enjoying it. Thiswebsite

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